Should I Make a Letter of Wishes?
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
When it comes to forward planning, producing a will tends to be the main item on one’s ‘to-do’ list. A will is an extremely valuable document, and in it you can detail posthumous intentions – such as what you’d like to leave to your nearest and dearest when you pass away. However, a will is
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Sexual Misconduct in the Post #MeToo Era: What it Means for Regulated Industries
Thursday, 29 August 2019
Until fairly recently, allegations of sexual misconduct in the workplace were often brushed under the carpet or accepted as something commonplace and to be expected. 2017’s watershed #MeToo moment has changed all of that. Not only do people feel more empowered to speak out about such abuse, but also what was once considered a private
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Are NDAs Exploitative?
Wednesday, 17 April 2019
If you’ve listened to the news recently, you’ve probably heard the term ‘NDA’ more than once. Once a fairly uncontroversial, commonplace mechanism, confidentiality agreements – also known as non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) – have become synonymous with sexual harassment cases (particularly in the wake of #MeToo) and exploitation. In this blog, we’ll discuss how NDAs work,
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How to Exit a Senior Executive
Friday, 26 October 2018
Whatever the nature of your business, it’s likely that at some point you will face a tricky termination situation. Handling the exit of a senior executive is a significant challenge but can be handled smoothly if you understand the risks and manage the process with care. There are a number of reasons why an employer
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You fall out with a business partner: what to do?
Thursday, 21 June 2018
What should you do if you fall out with a business partner? There are lots of names for the stressful situation that can ensue after a fall out with a business partner: shareholder disputes, director disputes or owner/manager disputes. These phrases apply to a whole host of different situations, maybe one of the scenarios below
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